The Truth in Painting (Part 3)
The Truth in Painting (Part 2)
The Truth in Painting (Part 1)
A Closed World
On the Name
Logos, Plato, Confucius
Theology or Logocentrism
I don’t rely on Dialectical-Synthetic Dialectics
The Tropes of Cannibalism
Double Genealogy, Double Archeology
Power is the Contingency of Pure Reason?
Modern Individuality is a Virtual Parody?
We are the Speaking Subject, or We are Subject to the Speaking?
Foucault: Madness is a Re-creation of Reason?
The End of Ontology, The End of Derrida
Inner Monologue is False
Philosophy is On-tology, Ontology is Non-sense?
Hegel is a Charlatan?
China Has no Philosophy but Thoughts
Why Heidegger did not care about Language
The Rise of Derrida’s Deconstruction
Logocentrism/the Bible, Phonocentrism/the Phonetic
Is Derrida a Literary Critic? Must Derrida be Disqualified as a Philosopher?
Derrida: Deconstruction is to Deconstruct Ontology
Sloterdijk: being-thrown-in-the-cosmos
Derrida: Soul, Dog, Philosophy
Bataille, American Middle Class
Husserl, Foucault, Derrida, Inner Monologue
Derrida: Language is Trace
Bataille, Marx, Hitler, Heidegger
Sex, Apple, and Philosophy
Primitive Ritual or Civilized Ritual
Fuoco B. Fann at UC Berkeley - Fall 2023
Perpetual Presence or Delusion